Raw Honey in Pakistan (Buy Online at Best Price)

Raw Honey in Pakistan (Buy Online at Best Price)

Honey has been around since forever and this golden syrup has the power to enslave everyone. It has been around as a natural sweetener from way before sugar was ever produced which was only a few centuries ago.

Given itā€™s numerous health benefits for skin, hair and respiratory ailments, Honey is enjoyed best with sliced bread and as a brilliant addition to herbal teas. It also works as a very effective performance booster, an antiseptic and helps control weight. Honey is an all-rounder and it ensures every kitchen shelf has a dedicated space for its storage.


What exactly is Honey?

Honey is produced by the very hard working bees. Itā€™s made using the nectar taken from flowering plants and is saved inside their homes (the beehive) so they can eat is during times of food scarcity.

Honey is about 20% water and 80% sugar, itā€™s soluble in water and given itā€™s structure, it granulates between 10 and 18 degree Celsius. Itā€™s acidic in nature and boasts some antiseptic properties. Also known best to treat burns and lacerations. Loved by everyone, honey is used in baking, candies, fruits, cereals, milk, sandwiches, waffles and medicines.


How is Honey Made?

Flowers from various plants produce Nectar which is a sugary liquid. The bee extracts this using itā€™s long, tube shaped tongue and stores it in its extra stomach (also known as crip). This nectar mixes with enzymes and transforms its chemical composition and pH. This process is necessary for the long-term storage of Honey.

After returning to the beehive, the honeybee transfers the nectar to other bees by regurgitating the liquid into other beeā€™s mouths. This process is done over and over again till the nectar is deposited into the honeycomb (honeyā€™s natural storage cells).

At this point, the nectar is fairly liquid in nature and the viscosity is runny. To high water still needs to be evaporated to make honey into the think honey you have at homes. To evaporate the water quickly, the bees inside the honeycomb start moving their wings at a very fast pace to speed up the process.

After evaporation of the excess water, the bees secrete a liquid from their abdomen which turns into beeswax and hardens above the honeycomb, this seals off the honey away from air and water to be stored off for longer periods and to be enjoyed by bees during cold months when the food in nature is not enough.

Although naturally meant for the bees to eat, their sweet tooth is shared by a number of animals including the humans who raid the honeycombs quite frequently.

Ā Organic Honey in Pakistan

What kind of Honey are there?

Over 300 kinds of honey are found all over the planet. They have unique colors, aromas and tastes which depends on the plant from which the bees collect the nectar. Amongst the most popular and widespread honeys, Manuka and Acacia Honey are the most well-known.

Pakistan is home to a number of common and unique honey types, some of the finest in the world, the best honey in Pakistan are:

  • Acacia Modesta
  • Acacia Nilotika
  • Apple Blossom
  • Peach Blossom
  • SIdr (Beri)
  • Robinia (taken from the Black Locust Tree)
  • Orega

Some of them can be found here

Raw Honey in Pakistan

Raw and Pure Honey!

The difference between Raw and Pure honey is something that eludes many people. There is a little difference that is mainly in the texture of the two.

Raw Honey has some bits of ground up honeycomb, some pollen and at times, even some parts of bees inside the honey, given its raw nature. While pure honey is made after straining honey to remove the grits, making it much cleaner and clear golden in color. If honey is not heated during this process, most of the nutrition remains intact and is not evaporated.

Impure honey can quickly be identified, (a) itā€™s very clear and without any bits and pieces of nature, (b) it crystallizes with relative ease, even inside the jar and (c) it is runny, raw and pure honey is rough and thick in texture and not too viscous. More than that, impure honey can be mixed with water while Unfiltered Raw Honey cannot.

Some natural brands will sell honey inside jars that have intact honeycombs in them, this is exceptionally good because a lot of nutrition is inside the honeycomb.

Ā Pure and Premium Honey in Pakistan


Is it worth buying raw and pure honey?

Raw honey is always a better choice for health, taste, the bees and the environment. Always prefer this over regular honey products.

NaturalĀ honey will make sure that your golden nectar is free from pesticides that may have been sprayed on plants or honeybees.

Then comes filtered honey, which is generally heated to make it more liquid in nature which makes filtrationĀ easy. The remove the honey's raw nature. Choosing raw unfiltered honey ensures the most properties have been preserved.

Are you buying the right Honey and Which brand's honey is pure in Pakistan?

Deciding on a best brand is very relative. It is difficult to say because to each their own, it's like spice, everyone has a different preference. Some like their honey mixed with herbs, garlic, pepper, ginger, etc. while others prefer it on it's own. So taste cannot be the distinguishing factor for the best brand of honey, all brands are unique.

But given the above distinction in Raw/Pure and Impure Honey, always try to opt for the pure honey. Pure honey has itā€™s pollen grains and propolis intact, these two carry the health and medicinal value of honey. It makes Raw honey rich in antioxidants, antifungal in nature and boasts excellent antiviral properties. These additions also make Raw honey have a longer shelf life, typically good for centuries if not more. While filtered honey is artificially preserved to increase shelf life.

A lot of brands provide pure honey,Ā Buy Premium and Pure Honey in Pakistan from Here


Real honey

Causes a mild burning sensation in the throat

Does not separate in layers

When spread on a bread, it hardens in minutes

Has natural impurities like bee pollen, propolis, particles of honey comb and wax

Quite thick and flows slowly


Fake honey

Does not cause burning sensation in the throat

Separates into layers

Makes bread slightly soggy when spread on it due to moisture content

No impurities; it is clear and smooth

Slightly runny


Buy Locally harvested Pure Acacia Honey in Pakistan from here

Honey and Green Tea in Pakistan

Export of Honey from Pakistan?

Pakistan is a big exporter of Honey, there are over 10,000 beekeepers in Pakistan and we have over 1.1million colonies that produce a total of over 16,000 metric tonnes of honey per year. All this is produced from a total of 4 honeybee types.

We are known to produce high qualityĀ natural honey through modern bee farming techniques. Upper Hunza Valley, Gilgit-Baltistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Balochistan and some regions of Punjab have become extremely famous for it.


Honey Online Shopping in Pakistan

We have the collection of some of the finest honeys in Pakistan

To find outĀ Prices of Pure, RawĀ Honey in Pakistan, click here.

What are the Health Benefits of Honey?

Healing wounds and burns

As per a 2015 review, honey has been claimed to be able to heal burns. It contains a protein named as defensin-1 which promoted would healing.

A lot of natural beauty products such as face creams, deodorants and shampoos also contain honey in a little quantity.

Preventing acid reflux

Honey is also known to give stomach ease from acid reflux.

Studies have found that that honey might help align the esophagus and stomach, which limits stomach acid and undigested food to travel upwards further resulting in gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which can involve inflammation, acid reflux, and heartburn.

Fighting infections

The famous Manuka honey is best known for killing bad bacteria due to the hydrogen peroxide and defensing-1 content in it. It is the best antibacterial honey out there.

Relieving cold and cough symptoms

Considered by some as a placebo effect, honey also helps children with cough and colds to sleep better at night. Especially when mixed with warm glass of milk.

Medicinal use

Ayurvedic medicines have been making use of honey for a number of illnesses , ailments and injuries. It is even applied to skin for various treatments.

Hiccups, stress, weakness, bed wetting and frequent urination, bad breath, the effects of hangovers, teething pain in babies older than 1 year, eczema and dermatitis, burns, cuts, and wounds, coughs and asthma, sleep disturbances, vision problems, stomach ulcers, diarrhea and dysentery, vomiting, high blood pressure, obesity, jaundice, arthritis.

A lot of these claims are still being tested clinically but Ayurveda professionals completely believe in the benefits of this heavenly syrup.

Buy Natural Honey in Pakistan


Nutritional Value of Honey

Per 100 g


288 kcal/1229 kJ

Fat (g)


Carbohydrate (g)


- fructose (g)


- glucose (g)


ProteinĀ (g)


Water (g)



Buy the best honey irrespective of where you are, Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad or any other city in Pakistan.


AmazingĀ Facts about Honey

Honey is 80% sugar and 20% water.

To make a single pound of honey, the bee colony must visit 2 million flowers, fly over 55,000 miles total and is done in a lifetime of approximately 768 bees.

A single honeybee can only make 1/12th of a teaspoon of honey in its entire lifetime, hence the high worth of the product.

In a single trip outside the hive, the honeybee visits 50-100 flowers.

Honey is enough to sustain life, it includes all required substances including water.

Honey is used to make mead.

Bees survive on honey in winters.

Honey never spoils.

There are a number of flavors and colors of honey.

Beekeepers never take the entire honey, they just make do with the extra so bees are safe.

Honey is not considered safe for babies, because of the risk of infant botulism. It is also not suitable for people with diabetes.

Honey is the only food made by an insect, and eaten both by the insect and humans.

Cats cannot taste honey because they lack the taste receptors to do so.

History of Honey

Ancient Egyptians from 1550BC, honey was used by women where they applied it to linen to prevent pregnancy.

It is also said that Rameses III, an ancient Egyptian pharaoh sacrificed 30,000 pounds of Honey to the river god by dumping it into the Nile.

Toxic honey was used in ancient warfare.

In ancient Greece, honey was regarded as blessing and happiness. So it was used in funerals where it was given as offering to the spirits of the dead.

In 1650s England,Ā the gross national profit from honey was estimatedĀ to be aroundĀ Ā£300,000, a fortune at that time.

In feudal ages, honey, a source of revenue was a form of tax.

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