How to Keep Your Skin Healthy in Winters: Tips for Oily, Dry & Combination Skin
As the temperature drops down, not only the Nature around us takes a new look but even our skin condition entirely changes . Dry and harsh wind takes away our natural oils from the epidermis, which badly affects our skin and results in irritation. The skin gets rough and develops from mild irritations to even severe skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis.
There are several ways to prevent yourself from different skin related issues, here are some of the tips and tricks:
1. Replenish your skin:
It is very important to use a good naturally-made moisturizer or cream in winter to keep oneself hydrated. A well moisturized skin can help to regenerate cells, leaving you with a glowing complexion. It also helps to delay ageing/ fine lines and wrinkles.
👉 Click here for the best variety of Natual Skin care Moisturizers.
We have top selling homemade moisturizers made by very well-versed and experienced herbalists. Every cream / moisturizer is made for a specific skin type and condition like dry/ oily/ combination skin, anti-ageing and anti-acne etc. In order to cater to your specific skin condition, A normal moisturizer for oil/dry or combination skin would have all the properties to improve your over all skin quality. These creams and moisturizers are made from natural ingredients.
Here are our best picks Natural Moisturizers:
1. Dermive Urea Hydrating Healing Lotion by Jenpharm.
Niacinamide Body Lotion by Accufix Cosmetics.
Dermive Sensitive Moisturizer by Jenpharm
3 in 1 Night Cream by Plush Natural
Vanilla & Cookie (Hand & Foot Cream) by Lush Organix
Aloe vera Cleansing Lotion with Shea Butter by Auragano
Maxdif Brightening Cream by Jenpharm
Vitamin C Moisturiser by Spa in a bottle
Organic Miracle Night Cream by Doctor Sadia
Sea Buckthorn Oil by The Nature's Store
Grapeseed Oil by The Natures Store
Jojoba Oil by The Nature's Store
1. Timeless Moisturizer by Qubbles
2. Aloe Lavender Moisturizer by Plush Natural
3. Liquid Glow Moisturizer by LBXII by Love & Bloom
4. Herbal Moisturizer by Marjaan Botanicals
5. Care at Work by Marjaan Botanicals.
A lot of conventional brands are selling Skin care creams and moisturizers which are really harmful for your skin as they have dangerous chemicals in it. As the cream / moisturizer directly interacts with your skin, these chemicals can enter into your blood stream very easily. I would like to repeat once again,
"DO NOT" go for products that have tones of chemicals.
2. Hydrate from inside:
Hydration is the key to good health. Drink 8-10 glasses of water without relying on your thirst for a reminder. It will not only help your skin from drying but water also plays a pivotal role in flushing out the toxins.
3. Avoid long hot showers:
Long hot showers feel very relaxing in winter but they definitely have bad consequences as they make your skin very dry and flaky. Eczema prone skins can especially develop severe skin conditions. A good 15 minutes of shower with normal temperature is ideal for your skin.
Always hydrate your body after taking shower, you can either use a good moisturizer or body oil suitable for your skin type.
4. Exfoliate religiously:
Dead skin cells accumulate more in winter which clogs your pores very easily. It is crucial to scrub off the dead skin so that it can breathe. There are a variety of natural scrubs/ exfoliators available here for your face and body which are made from all natural ayurvedic ingredients to protect your skin.
Follow these simple key pointers for a healthy and happy winter.